
Monday, 30 November 2015

MicroBit Magic 8 Ball with MicroPython

I wanted to create something with the MicroBit which used the on-board accelerometer and I settled on a Magic 8 Ball, the fortune-telling pool ball which when shaken and asked a question it provides, a, often cryptic, response.

The program works out whether the MicroBit has been shaken by:
  • Reading the x, y, z values from the accelerometer in a loop and adding them together to get a total force exposed
  • Getting the difference between the last reading and the current reading
  • If the difference is greater than a threshold, you assume the MicroBit has been shaken
I wrapped this into a function wait_for_shake, which perhaps not unsurprisingly blocks until the MicroBit is shaken!
import microbit


def get_accel_total():
    x = microbit.accelerometer.get_x()
    y = microbit.accelerometer.get_y()
    z = microbit.accelerometer.get_z()
    return x + y + z

def wait_for_shake():
    shaken = False
    last = get_accel_total()
    while not shaken:
        this = get_accel_total()
        diff = last - this
        if diff < 0: diff = diff * -1
        if diff > TOLERANCE:
            shaken = True
        last = this
Its not 'very' sophisticated but it works.

Once I had this working it pretty simple to add a loop which waited for the MicroBit to be shaken and scrolled a random message on the LED screen.
MESSAGES = ["It is certain", "Dont count on it", "Ask again"]
while True:
    message = microbit.random(len(MESSAGES))
If you want to add your own messages, just add them to the MESSAGES list.

You can find the code here and other examples in my microbit-micropython GitHub repository.

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