The first step was creating a way of reading data from PiAware using Python 3, so I created a module called
Once I had the data it was simply a case of looping through each of the aircraft signals found, calculating the distance between my gps co-ordinates and the gps position of the aircraft. If the distance was less than 10km I turned the led on!
I 'reused' the code to calculate the distance between 2 GPS co-ords from codecodex.
Setting up
You'll need PiAware installed on your Raspberry Pi, up and running and tracking aircraft.
You'll need an LED, appropriate resistor, breadboard and a couple of Male/Female jumper cables to connect it togther.
The LED is connected to ground and pin 17 with the resistor in between.
cd ~ git clone
Launch the flightlight program passing the latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) of your PiAware station (use to find your gps location) and the range that should be used to detect if an aircraft is overhead.
usage: [-h] lat lon rangee.g. using GPS coords of 52.4539, -1.7481 (Birmingham, UK Airport) with a range of 10km
cd ~/flightlight/flightlight sudo python3 52.4539 -1.7481 10Code
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import argparse from flightdata import FlightData from haversine import points2distance from time import sleep #pin of the LED to light LEDPIN = 17 class LED(): def __init__(self, ledPin): self.ledPin = ledPin GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT) def on(self): GPIO.output(self.ledPin, True) def off(self): GPIO.output(self.ledPin, False) #read command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PiAware Flight Light") parser.add_argument("lat", type=float, help="The latitude of the receiver") parser.add_argument("lon", type=float, help="The longitude of the receiver") parser.add_argument("range", type=int, help="The range in km for how close an aircraft should be to turn on the led") args = parser.parse_args() #get the flight data myflights = FlightData() #set GPIO mode GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) try: #create LED led = LED(LEDPIN) #loop forever while True: plane_in_range = False #loop through the aircraft and see if one is in range for aircraft in myflights.aircraft: if aircraft.validposition == 1: startpos = ((, 0, 0), (args.lon, 0, 0)) endpos = ((, 0, 0), (aircraft.lon, 0, 0)) distance = points2distance(startpos, endpos) #debug #print(distance) if distance <= args.range: plane_in_range = True #turn the led on / off if plane_in_range: led.on() #print("on") else: #print("off") sleep(1) #refresh the data myflights.refresh() finally: #tidy up GPIO GPIO.cleanup()