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The Pi's of London |
I downloaded the map and put in on raspberry pi powered minecraft server and tweeted a picture of it.
David Whale (@whaleygeek) had an idea, use the data from Ryan Walmsley (@ryanteck)'s rastrack.co.uk to show the Pi's of the UK in minecraft.
It works like this:
- I took the Minecraft map Ordnance Survey (OS) and put it on a raspberry pi powered minecraft server
- I got the locations of all the raspberry pi's logged on http://rastrack.co.uk and parsed the data using python
- I converted the latitude and longitude for each pi to OS grid reference, by making a call to a website created by David Whale http://www.thinkingbinaries.com/test/gpsmap/geodesic.php5, passing the lat and lon and parsing the returned grid reference
- I converted the OS grid reference to minecraft location by porting the code in the converter page supplied by OS to python http://oslabs.s3.amazonaws.com/convert.html
- I used the raspberryjuice plugin to use Minecraft:Pi edition API code to create raspberries in the sky at the right co-ordinates
If you want to have a look connect minecraft to martinohanlon.servebeer.com:25565.
If you 'hit' (right click with a sword) the middle red wool block in the raspberry, it will tell you who the Pi belongs too.
The code is really hacky, I pulled it together in a few hours, I will look at how I can make this a little more robust and also so it can be re-run to pick up new Pi's added into rastrack.co.uk.
#import the minecraft.py module from the minecraft directory
import minecraft.minecraft as minecraft
#import minecraft block module
import minecraft.block as block
import json
import urllib2
import sys
import math
import random
def getOSGridFromLatLon(lat, lon):
# this uses david whale's website to get the OS Grid Ref
gridrefUrl = "http://www.thinkingbinaries.com/test/gpsmap/geodesic.php5?latitude=[lat]&longitude=[lon]&a_latlong=calc&gridreflet=&gridrefEN="
phraseToFind = '<input type="text" name="gridreflet" value="'
dataLenght = 10
# setup lat, lon in url
gridrefUrl = gridrefUrl.replace("[lat]", lat)
gridrefUrl = gridrefUrl.replace("[lon]", lon)
#print gridrefUrl
# get webpage
aResp = urllib2.urlopen(gridrefUrl)
page = aResp.read()
#print page
# strip data from webpage
phrasePos = page.find(phraseToFind)
dataStart = phrasePos+len(phraseToFind)
dataEnd = dataStart + page[dataStart:].find('"')
gridRef = page[dataStart:dataEnd]
#print gridRef
# has a grid ref been returned
if gridRef == "[range!]":
gridRef = ""
# convert 8 number grid ref to 6 e.g. SO87828991 to SO878899
gridRef = gridRef[:5] + gridRef[6:9]
#print gridRef
return gridRef
# ported from http://oslabs.s3.amazonaws.com/convert.html
def gridToMC(gridRef):
heightOfGrid = 70
# get numeric value of letter reference A->0, B->1, C->2, etc
letter1 = ord(gridRef[0:1])-65
letter2 = ord(gridRef[1:2])-65
# shuffle down letters after 'I' [since 'I' is not used in grid]
if letter1 > 7: letter1 -= 1
if letter2 > 7: letter2 -= 1
#print letter1
#print letter2
# convert grid letters into 100km-square indexes from false origin (grid square SV)
ea = ((letter1 - 2) % 5) * 5 + (letter2 % 5)
no = (19 - math.floor(letter1 / 5) * 5) - math.floor(letter2 / 5)
tp_ea = ea * 2000
tp_no = 28000 - (no * 2000)
# skip grid letters to get numeric part of ref
gridRefNos = gridRef[2:]
ea = gridRefNos[:len(gridRefNos)/2]
no = gridRefNos[len(gridRefNos)/2:]
#print gridRefNos
#print ea
#print no
# normalise to 1m grid, rounding up to centre of grid square
# 100m (three-figure)
if len(gridRefNos) == 6: multiplier = 2
# 1000m (two figure
if len(gridRefNos) == 4: multiplier = 20
# x
tp_ea = tp_ea + (int(ea) * multiplier)
# z
tp_no = tp_no - (int(no) * multiplier)
#print tp_ea
#print tp_no
return tp_ea,heightOfGrid,tp_no
# converts minecraft xyz to be reflective of spawn point
# as raspberry juice uses spawn point as 0,0,0
def convertXYZToSpawnXYZ(x,y,z):
spawnX = 9000
spawnY = 100
spawnZ = 26000
# minus a random number from Y so raspberry's arent on top of each other in highly populated areas
return int(x - spawnX), int(y - spawnY - random.randint(0,9)), int(z - spawnZ)
def buildRaspberry(mc,x,y,z):
#red wool
mc.setBlock(x+-1,y+0,z+1, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+1,y+0,z+1, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+0,y+0,z+0, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+-2,y+0,z+0, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+2,y+0,z+0, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+-1,y+0,z+-1, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+1,y+0,z+-1, block.WOOL.id, 14)
mc.setBlock(x+0,y+0,z+2, block.WOOL.id, 14)
#black wool
mc.setBlock(x+0,y+0,z+1, block.WOOL.id, 15)
mc.setBlock(x+-1,y+0,z+0, block.WOOL.id, 15)
mc.setBlock(x+1,y+0,z+0, block.WOOL.id, 15)
mc.setBlock(x+0,y+0,z+-1, block.WOOL.id, 15)
#green wool
mc.setBlock(x+0,y+0,z+-2, block.WOOL.id, 13)
mc.setBlock(x+-1,y+0,z+-3, block.WOOL.id, 13)
mc.setBlock(x+-2,y+0,z+-3, block.WOOL.id, 13)
mc.setBlock(x+1,y+0,z+-3, block.WOOL.id, 13)
mc.setBlock(x+2,y+0,z+-3, block.WOOL.id, 13)
# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# open log file
logfile = open("logfile.txt",'w')
# load rastrack json data
# get the data from rastrack
aResp = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.rastrack.co.uk/data2.php")
page = aResp.read()
# replace escape chars \ in json cause it screws up
page = page.replace("\\", " ")
# strip the 'var data = ' bit and load into json object
rastrackData = json.loads(page[11:])
logfile.write("loaded rastrack json\n")
# connect to minecraft
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
# loop pi's in rastrack data
for pi in rastrackData["pi"]:
#if 1==1:
# pull out lat and long
lat = str(pi["latitude"])
lon = str(pi["longitude"])
#print lat
#print lon
# get the Ordnance Survey grid reference
gridRef = getOSGridFromLatLon(lat, lon)
# has a gridRef been returned?
if gridRef != "":
logfile.write(str(gridRef) + "\n")
# convert OS grid to MC xyz
mcX, mcY, mcZ = gridToMC(gridRef)
logfile.write("x = " + str(mcX) + " y = " + str(mcY) + " z = " + str(mcZ) + "\n")
# make xyz reflective of spawn point
x,y,z = convertXYZToSpawnXYZ(mcX, mcY, mcZ)
logfile.write("x = " + str(x) + " y = " + str(y) + " z = " + str(z) + "\n")
# create raspberry in MC
# save mc xyz to rastrack json
pi["x"] = x
pi["y"] = y
pi["z"] = z
logfile.write("Unexpected error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\n")
# save json data to file
logfile.write("saving rastrack json\n")
outputFile = open("rastrackData.json", "w")
json.dump(rastrackData, outputFile)
Hope you realise how AWESOME this is! Nicely done!!!!
ReplyDeleteTa Mr Horne, it might not have been my idea, but Im pleased with the implementation!
DeleteI wish someone would be on when I get on...